Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Government Target Killings

The article below is about targets, such as drones, being put in place to kill terrorist from the United States. I found this article to be worthwhile because it effects how we view our government.I found this article to be very interesting, because I had no idea that this was even taking place. The government has these targets placed to kill people internationally. There seem to be many opinions about wither this is right or wrong. One of the questions that are raised is," is it legal?" I was surprised to learn that President Obama stated it was completely legal. President Obama stated that "we should remember the terrorist the government targets are targeting millions of citizens, therefore doing nothing is not an option." In some ways I do think it is a necessary act, because it eliminates the possibility of millions being killed by the acts of these terrorist. On the other hand I do wonder if this is morally right, because it is murder. There is more about this subject the link posted on CNN news.

Government Target Killings

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