Thursday, April 10, 2014

Commentary of " Do I matter" blog

I am writing in response to The People's blog post called "Do I matter" by Hernando Fonacier. This blog is addressing the concept that congress is a misrepresentation of all the nations people. I think Hernando brought to light some valid points about how most of the congress is mostly white males. I do not believe everyone is truly represented if this is in fact the case. Hernando Fonacier also mentions that congress is to " enhance and refine" public opinion, he then argues that this is not possible unless congress represents all of public opinion. He then brings to attention the gender differences in the House of Representatives. He states that women are " grossly underrepresented" in the House of Representatives. This statement I do believe to be true, and this can be a major dilemma , because lets be honest women think differently than men. I think this blog touched on valid points that should be considered.

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