Friday, March 28, 2014

Republicans believe the U.S is headed for another Cold War

I have recently come across an editorial in The Washington Post written by Eugene Robinson , an opinion writer for The Post Partisan blog. In the post he describes that the Russian's seizure of the Crimean peninsula from neighboring Ukraine has lead to Republican's belief that this will lead to another Cold War. I don't find it surprising that the republican party is in opposition of President Obama's views. This seems to always be the case ever since Democratic President Obama started running for office! I did however find it interesting that in the editorial by Robinson, he mentions that Romney had said to President Obama that " Russia is the number-one geopolitical foe." This statement has been the reason why the republicans are now pointing the finger at President Obama and accusing him. By republicans I am referring to Senator McCain and Senator Ted Cruz , who both seem to be equally opinionated about the whole issue. I think that President Obama is doing a great job in maneuvering through this whole crisis. As Robinson states in his blog, President Obama has been "steady, firm and realistic". I think sometimes the Republicans need to step back and start viewing certain situations in an objective view, without placing their personal conceptions. Although this crisis is serious I do not think either side wants another cold war.

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